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9 Prepper Items to Look For at the Goodwill Store

In uncertain times, being prepared for emergencies is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones. However, building a stockpile of emergency supplies can be expensive. Fortunately, thrift stores like Goodwill offer a treasure trove of prepper items at affordable prices. In this article, we’ll explore nine essential prepper items you can find at the Goodwill store without breaking the bank.

1. Backpacks

Versatile Storage Solutions Goodwill stores often have a variety of backpacks available at a fraction of the cost of new ones. These backpacks can be used to store emergency supplies in your vehicle or workplace. Look for sturdy packs that can withstand rugged use, especially for your primary bug out bag.

2. Books and Games

Entertainment and Education Books and board games may seem like simple pleasures, but they can be invaluable during a crisis. Goodwill stores offer a wide selection of books and games at incredibly low prices, making them essential additions to your emergency stockpile. In the absence of electronic devices, these traditional forms of entertainment and education can provide much-needed distraction and comfort.

3. Buckets

Multi-Purpose Containers Buckets are versatile prepper items that can serve multiple purposes in emergency situations. Look for buckets with lids, which are ideal for storing goods and transporting water. Goodwill stores often have buckets available at affordable prices, so keep an eye out for them during your next visit.

4. Camping Equipment

Outdoor Essentials Camping equipment, such as camp stoves and tents, can be invaluable in emergency circumstances. Goodwill stores frequently carry a variety of camping gear at significantly discounted prices, allowing you to stock up on essential items without breaking the bank. From sleeping bags to cooking utensils, you’ll find everything you need to stay safe and comfortable during a crisis.

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5. Candles

Emergency Lighting Solutions Candles are essential prepper items that provide a reliable source of light during power outages. Goodwill stores often sell candles in bulk at affordable prices, making it easy to stock up on this essential item. Whether you’re facing a temporary blackout or a long-term emergency, having a supply of candles on hand can provide much-needed illumination and warmth.

6. Canning Equipment

Preservation Essentials Canning jars and equipment are essential for preserving food during emergencies. Goodwill stores frequently have a variety of canning supplies available at bargain prices, allowing you to stock up on essentials for your emergency pantry. Look for jars, lids, and canning tools to ensure you’re prepared for any situation.

7. Cast Iron Pots and Pans

Durable Cooking Solutions Cast iron pots and pans are durable and versatile cooking tools that are ideal for outdoor cooking. Goodwill stores often have a selection of cast iron cookware available at affordable prices, allowing you to purchase these essential items without breaking the bank. Whether you’re cooking over an open fire or using a camp stove, cast iron pots and pans are essential prepper items for any emergency situation.

8. Crayons

Multi-Purpose Crafting Supplies While crayons may seem like simple children’s toys, they can be valuable prepper items in emergency situations. Goodwill stores often sell bags of crayons at incredibly low prices, making them ideal for crafting homemade candles. Even broken crayons can be melted down to create emergency lighting solutions, making them an essential addition to your emergency stockpile.

9. Fencing Items

Security and Protection Posts, chicken wire rolls, and barbed wire rolls are essential prepper items for securing your property and protecting your loved ones. Goodwill stores often have a selection of fencing items available at affordable prices, allowing you to fortify your home without breaking the bank. Whether you’re preparing for a natural disaster or a societal collapse, having fencing items on hand can provide peace of mind and added security.

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